Sidero - Our Technologies

Our Technologies

Back end development

Sidero provides support for both standalone and interworking applications. These include applications that are serverless, written in multiple modern technologies, deployable on Windows and Linux , are specifically optimised to application platforms, and host with an API-first approach.

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Front end development

We build modern applications that are scalable across multiple devices, with an emphasis on portability across all web browsers and optimisation for mobile devices.

Our teams stay on top of the latest trends, including WebGPU and WebAssembly, to support complex processing of data and visualisations.

Mobile Development

Our solutions are deployable and testable on a wide variety of devices, with early feedback using public cloud providers and device farms. We can evidence significant cost savings by identifying and mitigating risks early. We employ cross-platform development such as AWS Amplify with Sidero customisations in order to reduce time-to-market. Additionally, our team can support on native languages development across major mobile device platforms.

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Cloud Development

Sidero is fluent in hosting, deploying, and monitoring solutions in both the public and private cloud as well as hybrid environments. Expertise in Terraform and dedicated software development kits will make your deployment reproducible and predictable.
We can also optimise your total cost of ownership by leveraging the latest technologies. Our cloud expertise ensures customers benefit from more flexibility and growth elasticity.

Data & Performance Engineering

Our teams work closely with customers to ensure they can maximise their infrastructure and data store and, in turn, get the best value from their data. We also optimise and tailor different approaches to ensure data is being processed faster and with better accuracy, including migrating from SQL to NoSQL datastores, modernising legacy systems, and deploying the latest techniques for real-time event handling.

Sidero can also assist with quickly developing data visualisations for workloads and data simulators, to help identify potential issues before they reach production.

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At the forefront of innovation, we can provide cutting-edge deployments such as GPU/DPU data processing, WebAssembly programming on both the server and client side, or acceleration for your major workloads across datacentres. Our cross-skilled teams enable expedited product development and launches.


Our know-how and experience, built over a number of years, has resulted in a software delivery cycle of less than 20 minutes from developer environment to production environment, re-enforcing our mantra of Delivering Always.

What our Clients say

Our purpose is to provide mission-critical software to some of the world's most successful companies.